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Buy Iberico Ham Online: The Best Option

Buy Iberico Ham Online: The Best Option

- Categories : 【Blog Jamón Pasión】

Iberico hams, and more if they are pata negra, that is, 100% Iberico bellota ham, have a higher price, but you're in luck, since by being able to buy Spanish hams online, you can get a much cheaper price and get it directly from the natural drying rooms, where they are better preserved.

Today online shopping is already completely normalized in our society and it is safer to buy on a website than in a physical store, since you handle all the data yourself and payments are made through encrypted bank gateways where no one can have access to your data and at all times your own bank will send you a code to your personal phone number associated with your account, so that you and only you can buy an Iberian ham in a 100% secure way.

Jamón Pasión Online Store.

In addition to all the security that is available, a point to take into account is that, generally, the products, whatever they are, will be better priced.

Buying online is cheaper, since, obviously, the expenses associated with the purchase or rental of a premises, electricity, water, machinery, etc., are not charged to the product as many stores lack these infrastructures.

On the other hand, buying in a physical store, a commercial area or a supermarket, apart from bearing the aforementioned expenses, are intermediaries, therefore, the price of the product becomes more expensive. And if we add all the staff salaries, which are many, the transportation to the warehouses and a long etcetera, there you have another charge that goes directly to the final price of the Serrano ham.

In our case, knowing the importance of keeping an jamón ibérico in the best conditions, that is, in natural drying rooms at the appropriate altitude, temperature and humidity, we directly choose the pieces in their place of origin and keep them there until the moment of shipment to our customers to guarantee the best quality of the ham legs.

Natural Conservation of Iberian Hams.

It is not the same to buy an iberico Ham kept in a natural dryer under optimal conditions than in a supermarket with artificial lights, the heat from the motors in the cold rooms or the air conditioners.

Wherever you look at it, the online sale of Iberian hams are all advantages, in price and in conservation.

It is evident that the taste, smell and texture of a good ham will be better appreciated if you buy a Trevélez serrano ham directly from the Alpujarra of Granada, in the Sierra Nevada National Park, than if you buy it in a shopping center .

And what about the Jamones de Teruel PDO? Where do you prefer to have it sent to you, from the top of the fields at 1500 meters high, preserved in a natural way or from a supermarket placed in a cold room or piled up next to other products and under an artificial temperature and light? There's not much to think about it.

Cheaper Iberico hams.

In the Spanish ham shop on our website, you have the total guarantee that the products are selected directly at their place of maturation and we keep them there until the same day they are sent to the customer. So simple and so healthy and natural. From the field to your house, or as we like to say, "From the Dehesa to your mesa".

The decision is yours when it comes to buying cured hams online, we only give you a cheaper option that keeps the cured pork leg in the best conditions.

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