Jamones Ibéricos 5 Jotas

Sale 100% Iberico Bellota 5 Jotas Hams.
At Jamon Pasion Spanish Ham Store we offer you the best pieces of 100% Iberico 5 Jotas hams from pigs raised in freedom and fed with acorn and natural pastures, selected directly from the drying caves.
Buy 5 Jotas Iberico Hams.
Buying iberico bellota pata negra hams produced in Jabugo in our store is a guarantee of quality and know-how. We take the name of our store very seriously, endowing our work with passion so that our customers obtain the best quality in the product and in personal attention.
5 Jotas: Pure Bellota jamon iberico.
The 5J acorn-fed Iberian products obtained from purebred Iberian pigs are raised and fed in freedom based on acorns, wild fruits, roots, mushrooms and herbs in the pastures located in the Sierra de Aracena and Picos de Aroche. The 5 Jotas acorn-fed Iberian Ham has unmatched characteristics in aroma, texture and flavor thanks to the conditions of breeding, salting process, maturing and resting in the cellar.
5 Jacks and SRC are sure hits.