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Buy Cebo de Campo Iberico Ham

Buy Cebo de Campo Iberico Ham

- Categories : 【Blog Jamón Pasión】

Today I am going to explain to you, since sometimes it is not very clear, what is the difference between a Cebo de Campo Ibérico ham and a Cebo Ibérico ham. There is a big difference, especially in the feeding of the animal and in the way it is raised. It is between the acorn and the bait.

The way to differentiate them when buying Cebo de Campo Iberico Ham is the flange, a plastic label, in this case green, granted by the ASICI (Interprofessional Association of the Iberian Pig) for the Iberian field bait ham , which certifies that it meets the requirements established in Royal Decree 4/2014, of January 10, which approves the quality standard for meat, ham, shoulder and cane of Iberian loin.

Characteristics of the Cebo de Campo Iberico Ham.

As I mentioned earlier, the main difference with respect to a Cebo Iberico ham (this is an intensive regime, that is, raised in feedlots and fed only with feed), is the breeding of the animal. The Cebo de Campo iberian pig, as the nomenclature says, is raised in the field, in the open air, and is fed, apart from feed, with the natural resources offered by the field or the pastures. In fact, it is not surprising that these pigs also eat acorns, once the Iberian pigs from which the 100% Iberian acorn-fed hams are obtained or the acorn-fed 50% and 75% Iberian breed hams have passed.

You can find Cebo de Campo ham on the market with a purity of 100%, 75% and 50% Iberian breed, although the most common and the best-selling Iberico hams are usually those of 50% Iberian breed.

These specimens can only be crossed, according to regulations, with 100% Duroc pigs, individuals with a white coat with the characteristic of infiltrating fat at the intramuscular level, giving the hams an unmistakable aroma, texture and flavor.

Online Iberian Ham Store.

In Jamón Pasión you have the opportunity to buy Iberian Cebo de Campo ham from the best brands. Pieces made in Guijuelo, Jabugo or Extremadura.

The flavor of these hams is exquisite. You can see this diet based on fruits and wild herbs and the good fat infiltration in the meat thanks to the life they have led exercising daily in the open air.

On our website you can also buy high quality Cebo de Campo Iberian pork shoulders. It is true that shoulders have less yield, that is, they proportionally have less meat than hams and more fat, but due to that greater fat and because the meat is closer to the bone, its flavor is much more intense. Less nuanced, but more powerful.

Remember that at Jamón Pasión you can buy spanish ham cheaper thanks to the fact that we send you the products directly from the factory and the natural drying rooms, which is where they are best preserved, without any intermediary or manipulation between the producer and you.

I advise you to try an Iberian Cebo de campo shoulder and if possible, crossed with Duroc cedo, since it will be juicier and more flavorful. Although it is true that it is a personal preference, 100% Iberian hams have a leaner meat and I love the fat.

Buy Iberico pork shoulder.

The price of Cebo de Campo Ibérico hams is very affordable, there is very little difference with Cebo hams and with the more powerful flavor and smell they have, it is worth spending a little more money.

On the Jamón Pasión website, you can buy Cebo de Campo Iberian pork shoulder at the best price, from € 69.90 and if you reside in Spain or Portugal, shipping is FREE.

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