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Differences between Cured Ham and Serrano Ham.

Differences between Cured Ham and Serrano Ham.

- Categories : 【Blog Jamón Pasión】

The first thing to know is that all ham, both Serrano, Iberian or any other that has undergone a production process in which it has been salted, dried and matured, regardless of its labeling, will be cured ham.

There are very clear differences between buying Serrano ham and any other type of cured ham. Mainly because the correct labeling provides accurate information for you to acquire a product tailored to your liking.

To choose a Serrano ham or a pork shoulder ham labeled as such, it is important to know the differences it has with cured hams. If you do not know these differences when choosing a spanish ham for your special meal, read on. Because in this article we describe those differences that you need to know.

How to differentiate Serrano Ham from Cured Ham.

Traditionally in Spain we call all hams made in this way Serrano, but the ETG (Guaranteed Traditional Specialty), a label that Jamon Serrano must carry, precisely guarantees a product under specific quality standards, including the minimum thickness of fat, which must be 0.8 millimeters or the weight of the pieces before processing. Mention is also made of the minimum drying, maturing and refining time, which will always be superior to other cured ham that is not labeled as Serrano. Likewise, the traditional way of making ham is also required to be able to call it serrano.

Both types of ham go through a relatively short period of salting, but afterwards, the curing process of the Serrano ham will be longer. This pig leg requires a curing process of at least 9 months, which can be extended up to 24 months of curing.

Iberico hams, even though they are, of course, also cured, have their own regulations covered by a Royal Decree that you can read in this article.

Buy Serrano Ham.

Labeling is important. In the case of Serrano ham, the TSG (Traditional Specialty Guaranteed) regulation specifies that the ham had to be matured for at least 9 months to be considered "Bodega"; 12 months at least to qualify as "Reserva"; and it must take more than 15 months to be certified as "Gran Reserva" Serrano Ham, although the vast majority far exceed those minimum times.

Without a doubt, choosing a pig leg with its corresponding E.T.G label authenticates a ham that has undergone a process that guarantees a method that results in higher quality hams.

Today, most of the hams obtained from white pigs are marketed under the Serrano ham guidelines.

All those hams that do not meet these production parameters cannot be called "Serranos".

Serrano Ham Online Store.

At Jamón Pasión we offer you a wide range of top quality Serrano hams with long curing periods, ranging from 15 months to 24 months at a minimum.

The more than recognized Trévelez Hams, which also carry the PGI (Protected Geographical Indication) label, cured in an artisanal way in the Sierra Nevada Natural Park at more than 1500 meters high, in the province of Granada or the prestigious PDO Hams Teruel.

You can also buy 100% natural Serrano Hams, without additives or preservatives and Duroc hams.

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