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Serrano ham: more than a food.

Serrano ham: more than a food.

- Categories : 【Blog Jamón Pasión】

The hind legs of the pig, from which the Serrano Hams are obtained, if they are from white coat breeds, or Iberico Hams, if they come from Iberian pigs, are one of those products that become, within the framework of the life, part of our personal history. Who does not associate, from when we were children, a leg of ham hanging on the wall of the grandparents' kitchen when going to spend the holidays at their houses with one of the best moments of the year, together with your cousins, your uncles and , of course, your Grandparents?

This part of the pig cured in the air, not just something else to put in the mouth; He carries with him a whole emotional baggage, of special moments, of encounters, goodbyes, etc. By eating ham, we are not only feeding the body, but we are giving sustenance to the soul.

Although today you can buy a good Serrano Ham, either whole or sliced ​​in supermarkets or grocery stores, no matter how small, you still associate it with endearing moments or wanting to indulge yourself. Again the emotions related to this delicacy appear. And I no longer tell you if you buy a whole Pata Negra Ham, with its ham holder and its knife. Don't tell me it's not a whole ritual in which the family gathers around him to share him?

Serrano Ham or Iberico Ham?

It is not true that the Iberian Ham or pork Shoulder tastes better, per se, than Serrano ham. There is a wide range of connotations, personal tastes and, again, emotions. No matter how good the Sicilian mortadella is, I like it, the old one; the one that my parents could give me and the one that I enjoy for all that it entails.

When it comes to buying a whole Spanish ham, and if it is acorn, which makes the product more expensive, you should bear in mind that the reason is that the Iberian pigs fed in the pastures, roam freely and eat acorns and wild grasses; and maintaining that environment properly costs money.

There are people who prefer the serrano. It has much less fat and the flavor is less intense. In fact, that potency and aftertaste left by the Iberian is thanks to the infiltrated fat characteristic of Iberian pigs, but it is not a sign of higher quality, but of personal appreciations.

We must be fair in both senses and say that the fat of the Iberian pig is rich in oleic acid; that is, healthy and beneficial even for low-calorie diets and people with high cholesterol; and even better if they are acorn. And that there are legs of white pigs, such as Jamon de Trevélez, which are the best 100% natural Serrano hams, without additives.

Where to buy Serrano ham at the best price.

I encourage you to opt for the ham that you have known all your life; from the grocer in your neighborhood, from the super small on the corner and why not, for a serious online Serrano ham shop, with a team behind open to advise you personally

In order to offer you the best product and at the lowest possible prices, these stores have direct agreements with small producers; offering you cheaper Pata Negra iberico Hams, since they are not intermediaries and they send the pieces directly from the dryers. Producers who pamper the animal and the product in a special way, because they have time for it and because they like it, since they go beyond mere commerce.

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