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Iberico pork sausages from Extremadura

Iberico pork sausages from Extremadura

- Categories : 【Blog Jamón Pasión】

Traditionally, one of the starters par excellence, even for a dinner party, in many homes and even in restaurants, is and has always been Iberian cured meats. In this article I am going to tell you all about how they are made and the most prestigious cured meats. Iberian cured meats and Acorn-fed Iberico cured meats. It is rare that there is someone who does not enjoy this ancient preparation with a good cheese and a good bread with olive oil. There are many and of many qualities, but I am going to tell you which are the best Iberian cured meats.

Types of Spanish Iberico cured meats.

First of all, of course, they are made with meat from Iberian pigs. For these elaborations, 100% Iberian specimens are not usually used, although they are marketed, as they are seasoned with various spices, which would "kill" the subtle nuances of the meat of the 100% Iberian acorn-fed pig, and this is mainly used for pata negra hams and loin sausages. For this reason, they use 50% or 75% Iberian breed, and consequently the price goes down, being able to buy cheap acorn-fed Iberian sausages of excellent quality.

There are practically two types of Iberian cured meats: Iberian cured meats with no other commercial denomination, in which Iberian cebo pigs are used, and acorn-fed Iberian cured meats, from pigs reared in the wild and fed on the natural resources offered by the dehesa, among which are the acorns offered by the holm and cork oak trees.

The name "CULAR", which you can see on many of the Iberico spanish sausages, refers to the casing in which the meat is stuffed, which refers to a natural casing, in this case that of the large intestine. For this reason, this type of sausage has a good diameter.

Buy "Morato" Iberian meat sausages.

All the ham producers, of course, make sausages, as they are not going to feed a pig with all the cost that this entails and not take advantage of all its meat. So you can find sausages, whether chorizo, salchichón, morcón or morcilla (spanish black pudding) throughout Spain where the producers are located, which, as you know, tends to be mainly in Extremadura, Huelva, Salamanca and Cordoba, with much more production in the first two provinces.

There is no doubt that any of them are exquisite and of supreme quality, but the Iberian cured meats from Extremadura are the best.

We, aware of this, offer you in our online shop of Serrano hams and sausages, the prestigious brand "Morato", awarded year after year for producing some of the best Iberian hams. And the truth is that it is an extraordinary experience to taste their sausages, especially those made with acorn-fed Iberian pork.

Ibérico Pork Sausages from Extremadura.

For years we have been discovering the Morato family and tasting their products. At home we are never without a good acorn-fed Iberian chorizo or a pork loin, with an incredible texture that melts in the mouth thanks to the infiltrated fat provided by the Iberian pig.

From Jamón Pasión we send you directly from the dryer in Badajoz (Extremadura) all the Iberian sausages that we offer on the web.

The Iberian sausages with Cular casing are pieces of around 1.3 kg, but you can choose half pieces of around 600 gr.

Another alternative, if there are not many of you at home, is to buy Iberian horseshoe sausages, which come in a whole format of around 300 grams in natural casing and are equally finger-licking good.

Iberian pork loin canes should be mentioned separately, as they have their own denomination and you can read an article exclusively about this sausage here.

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