Serrano hams with Protected Geographical Identification Trevélez are cured in natural drying rooms in the Alpujarra, Sierra Nevada. 100% natural , without additives or preservatives. Handcrafted hams with an exceptional balance in maturation, flavor and texture. "Aromas" ham at the best price
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In our Serrano Ham online store we offer you an excellent world-renowned artisan product from the Alpujarra of Granada. Products cured with the fresh air of Sierra Nevada, regulating humidity and temperature manually by opening and closing windows.
The IGP Jamón de Trevélez (Protected Geographical Indication) hams have to meet a series of requirements that make them unique among other hams. The pieces are obtained from crosses of white pigs of the Large-White, Duroc-Jersey and Landrace breeds, and must have a low percentage of salinity.
When buying Jamón de Trevélez , you should keep in mind that you must always carry seals that guarantee that they are authentic and that they have passed the exhaustive quality tests of the regulatory council. In this case, the label for the ham with more than 20 months of ripening is red.
Conservation and Tasting of Serrano ham.
When you receive the red label cured ham leg , you must get rid of its wrapping and protective mesh and put it in a cool place protected from sunlight. You should always keep a layer of bacon, once started, to cover it and prevent it from drying out and losing properties. A good idea is, with the blunt part of a knife, scrape some of the bacon and spread it over the lean part of the cut to keep it always creamy.
The best way to taste a Serrano Ham "Aromas" from Trevélez is alone, in thin and short slices and at room temperature, accompanied by good bread and olive oil.
Data sheet
Elaborated in:
Juviles - Parque Nacional de Sierra Nevada - Granada
Dry-Curing Time:
+20 meses
Breed of pig
White Pigs
Pork Ham and salt. 100% Natural, without additives or preservatives
Produced by:
Jamones de Juviles
Nutritional Values per 100g of product:
Valor energético: 1230 KJ/295 Kcal. Grasas totales: 17.9 g. De las cuales Saturadas: 6.6 g. Hidratos de Carbono: 0.5 g. De los cuales azúcares: 0 g. Proteínas 33 g. Sal 3.9 g. Natural Trevélez Serrano Ham "Aromas" Red Label<h2>No Additives Serrano Ham from Sierra Nevada.</h2>
<p>Serrano hams with Protected Geographical Identification Trevélez are cured in natural drying rooms in the Alpujarra, Sierra Nevada. <strong>100% natural</strong> , without additives or preservatives. Handcrafted hams with an exceptional balance in maturation, flavor and texture. "<strong>Aromas" ham at the best price</strong></p>ón de la Alpujarra136.8100.818218.93267543859723.54542021-05-26T17:27:33+0200/Catalogue/Catalogue/Products/Hams/Catalogue/Products/Hams/Serrano Ham/Catalogue/Products/Catalogue/Products/Hams additives Freegb-54gb-249
No Additives Serrano Ham from Sierra Nevada.
Serrano hams with Protected Geographical Identification Trevélez are cured in natural drying rooms in the Alpujarra, Sierra Nevada. 100% natural , without additives or preservatives. Handcrafted hams with an exceptional balance in maturation, flavor and texture. "Aromas" ham at the best price
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100% Natural Trevélez Serrano Ham "Aromas" Red Label
No Additives Serrano Ham from Sierra Nevada.
Serrano hams with Protected Geographical Identification Trevélez are cured in natural drying rooms in the Alpujarra, Sierra Nevada. 100% natural , without additives or preservatives. Handcrafted hams with an exceptional balance in maturation, flavor and texture. "Aromas" ham at the best price